Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What time of day do morning glories bloom?

I've always wanted to watch a morning glory bloom. But, I never know what time to look at the flowers. About what time do they usually bloom? ANd if anyone knows.. what time do they close around?What time of day do morning glories bloom?
They ussually bloom in the morning and close by noon or so. Each flower only opens once, but there will be others the next day. You can tell which are tomorrow's鈥攖hey look like stick-umbrellas closed up, and you can see the color, and the edges, all twisted the same direction like someone carefully closed an umbrella.What time of day do morning glories bloom?
Mine were blooming at any time until the frost knocked them out. They're coming back somewhat now.
Check out this site. It may helps you.
mid morning. 8am or so
They bloom shortly after the sun comes up. The bloom stays open all day and closes in the dusk when the flowers die.

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