Friday, December 11, 2009

Are there any flowers that bloom at night?

cuz I've always wondered that if the sun isn't out can they still grow? Do you think mankind will someday make it that plants don't need the sun to grow? PLease write 2 me and if u have any plants that grow in the dark please tell me.THanks!Are there any flowers that bloom at night?
All plants need sunlight to photosynthesize but continue to process their stored energy in a night cycle or dark phase that requires no sunlight. This dark phase processes carbon into food for the plant and is called the Calvin cycle.

Plants are the only organic means of acquiring energy from the sun and storing it in an organized manner. Plants do two things all animals require to live. They fix carbon as carbohydrates and release O2 thus they feed us and provide us breathable air. We will always need plants to capture solar energy.

There are plants already that do not require the sun to live. We do not need to make them they evolved. Plants that grow without light require food from another source such as other plants. These are parasites. There are even flowering parasitic plants. Mistletoe is one of these.

Plants can grow in the dark for sort periods using the stored food in their roots or tubers. That is how they come back in the spring. You have seen potatoes sprout in a dark cupboard. Tulip bulbs are another example.

The reason plants bloom at night is to attract a different set of pollinators. Many plants depend on animals or insects to spread their pollen. Plants can avoid direct competition with other plants by attracting a different species of pollinators in different seasons or at different times, like at night.

As a general rule, flowers fertilized by night flying Lepidoptera, the moths, grow within woodlands or wooded valleys, or in tropical areas where the plants are protected from cold winds. This provides the calm humid conditions enjoyed by moths. Moths are attracted from long distances by scent so flowers that are fertilized by butterflies and moths are the most strongly scented.

Woodbine (Lonicera periclymenum) flowers appear pink when seen from above, yellow when viewed from below, couple with the sweet aroma, hence the particular attraction of this plant for both butterfly and moth.鈥?/a>

For flowers that adapt for either day or night look at nocturnal daylilies.

Daylilies: (Hemerocallis) that bloom at night include 'Moon Frolic' and 'Toltec Sundial'. Hemerocallis citrina (Night Blooming Daylily) 3-4鈥?scapes in lemony-yellow.鈥?/a>Are there any flowers that bloom at night?
Night blooming jasmine. And yes, it does perfume the night air !!!
Moon Flowers and they are very fragrant and beautiful!
I believe there is one called ';Night Blooming Jasmine';.
Here's a selection of night bloomers:

Of course, the plant grows in the daytime, so it's possible for it to do photosynthesis and make food. The night flowers are usually open long enough in early evening or morning to get pollinated.鈥?/a>

Some plants can grow with minimal light:鈥?/a>

Night-blooming Jasmine鈥?/a>
Antique plant, rare beautiful and hard to find - Night Blooming cereus. It's lovely.

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