Thursday, June 24, 2010

How can I get a Bradford Pear and wysteria to bloom?

These trees and plants have bloomed one time in about 3 yrs can you please help me.How can I get a Bradford Pear and wysteria to bloom?
Full sun, time to mature, bone meal for phosphorus, and room to grow without sharing ground with other large trees. Pears are considered biennial perennials, that is, they produce a large (bumper) crop of fruit one year, then use the following year to ';rest';, otherwise, they'd fruit themselves to death at expense of new growth. So count on a large crop one year, and a modest one the next. Wisteria will bloom in time with the above conditions. You might want to test your soil for pH and nutrient content. Hope I've helped.How can I get a Bradford Pear and wysteria to bloom?
Bradford Pears are prolific bloomers. Where is it planted? Where are you located? They only bloom at the beginning of the season and then the blooms are replaced by the foliage. Beware: due to their groth pattern they don't hold up well in the wind.

I have found Wisteria to be finicky. I have trouble getting it to bloom although others tell me that it is an easy plant. I do know that it prefers full sun.

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